The PIC/S Inspectorates' Academy (PIA) is a PIC/S initiative to set up a web-based educational centre under the PIC/S umbrella which aims at harmonising and standardising GMP training at an international level through an accredited qualification system. PIA delivers not only general or advanced training but also serves as a platform for discussion and sharing among regulators. It offers a single point of access to all PIC/S training activities and will be implemented in various stages.
Presentation of the PIC/S’ Inspectorates Academy (PIA) at PIC/S’ 50th Anniversary in Dublin (Ireland) on 4 October 2022.
The PIA is a webportal to all PIC/S training activities where you will find:
Information on all PIC/S training activites and tools;
A calendar of upcoming PIC/S training events;
Available video recordings of PIC/S training events;
A database compiling all PIC/S training materials available;
A forum for discussion and sharing among regulators.
The idea of a PIC/S Training Academy was announced during the PIC/S 40th Anniversary Symposium in 2011. The concept was originally mooted by Mr Boon Meow Hoe (Singapore / HSA), that PIC/S creates a professional “Inspectors’ Academy” (“PIA”) delivering a variety of courses ranging from general training to highly specialised training for Inspectors. In 2012, an Ad-Hoc Working Group was set up with a view to explore how to create the PIA, with an objective to provide cost-effective, primarily web-based, high quality harmonised training for Inspectorates. In 2013, a training survey was carried out by PIC/S among its Members and Applicants. Based on the outcome of this survey, a road-map of different possible steps and features of the PIA was developed, for which a PIA Project Management Steering Committee (PIA PMSC) was appointed by PIC/S.
In 2014, PIC/S decided to establish the PIA for the following reasons:
The aim of the PIA is to train GMP Inspectors/Regulators by Inspectors/Regulators. PIA’s training is restricted to PIC/S Participating Authorities Regulators only. The PIA not only delivers training but also serves as a platform for discussion and sharing among PIC/S Participating Authorities Regulators with a view to responding and identifying needs as well as contributing to global harmonisation and interpretation of GMP. Access to training material is limited to PIC/S Participating Authorities Regulators. Stage 1 of the PIA is open only to PIC/S Members. Login is required. The training materials available through the PIA are supplementary to existing PIC/S training activities and tools.
The development of the PIA is being carried out according to the following stages which are being implemented one after the other by the PIC/S Project Management Steering Committee (PMSC). Each of the stages are independent from each other.
Document | Reference | date |
pia brochure 2019 | Brochure | 2019 |