PIC/S regularly communicates on its activities through press releases, annual reports and - since the start of millennium - its website. Good communication between Participating Authorities through PA representatives is one of PIC/S’ recognised benefits, which derives from Membership. Communication has also become an important tool to promote PIC/S. As a result, the PIC/S Committee has decided to establish a specific Sub-Committee on Communication.
Communication between PIC/S Participating Authorities through the exchange of GMP information and rapid alerts on quality risk defects has always been at the centre of PIC/S’ preoccupation, whether through the mutual recognition of GMP Certificates (under the PIC Convention) or through the voluntary sharing of GMP reports (under the PIC Scheme).
While internal communication is essential for the good functioning of PIC/S and the better sharing of inspection resources, external communication has become increasingly important over the years. Efficient training is the best way to increase PIC/S’ reputation and visibility. However, this may not be sufficient and other means are necessary to explain and promote the Organisation’s mission and activities.
For many years, the PIC/S website has been the main instrument of dissemination of information on PIC/S. It is well known by industry and frequently visited. In addition to the website, the PIC/S Chair and Members of the PIC/S Executive Bureau are regularly invited to make presentations at industry conferences: this is another privilege channel of communication to disseminate information on PIC/S. Invitations to such conferences have substantially increased over the past few years: around 10 to 12 presentations (based on a standard module) are given every year.
Another means to increase the awareness of key players is to summarise in a concise and clear way what PIC/S is and does. This is the main purpose of the PIC/S information brochure, which can be downloaded from the website (see “Publications”). The brochure exists since 2006 and is regularly updated.
A more active public relations policy and presence in the media and social networks is required in order for PIC/S to gain visibility. A communication strategy is thus essential. This is why the Sub-Committee on Communication (SC COM) has been established.
The SC COM is currently chaired by Dr Kentaro Hara (Japan / PMDA).
The mandate of the SC COM is to (i) monitor PIC/S’ public relations and the exchange of information and (ii) to define a communication strategy in order to better promote PIC/S and its key role in the field of inspections. The SC COM will monitor and propose changes to the PIC/S website. It will work on improving communications with PA, in particular Heads of Agencies, as well as PIC/S Partners. It will also identify the most suitable speakers for (regional or international) conferences where PIC/S has been invited to speak.
The mandate of the SC COM is to (i) monitor PIC/S’ public relations and the exchange of information and (ii) to define a communication strategy in order to better promote PIC/S and its key role in the field of inspections. For the complete mandate, see box below.
The full mandate of the SC COM is to:
1. Monitor PIC/S’ public relations and the exchange of information |
2. Define a communication strategy to better promote PIC/S Represent PIC/S in the International Council for Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH). Co-ordinate PIC/S relations with ICH in co-operation with other involved Sub-Committees and disseminate relevant ICH information and guidelines to PIC/S PAs |
3. Monitor and propose changes to the PIC/S website |
4. Work on improving communications with PA, in particular with Heads of Agencies, as well as PIC/S Partners |
5. Identify the most suitable speakers for (regional or international) conferences where PIC/S has been invited to speak |
6. Report back to the PIC/S Committee, as provided for in the Terms of References and make proposals / recommendations |