Expert Circles have been set up by PIC/S to facilitate the discussions and the exchange of information among Inspectors specialised in a specific area of GMP such as Blood, Computerised Systems, Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Quality Risk Management, etc. Expert Circles meet regularly to develop draft guidance, recommendations, etc. and offer training in their respective fields of specialisation.
PIC/S Expert Circle meeting on API, Strasbourg (France), 2015
Until 2013, the training activities of Expert Circles were monitored by the Sub-Committee on Training (SCT) while the activities related to guidance documents were placed under the direct supervision of the PIC/S Committee. With the new SC structure and considering the increase of activities of Expert Circles, it was decided to establish a specific SC: the Sub-Committee on Expert Circles (SCEC). The main task of the SCEC is to review the composition and functioning as well as the various mandates of the Expert Circles.
The SCEC is currently chaired by Ms Kathleen Sinninger (US FDA) under which the following current Expert Circles and Working Groups operate: